Thyme, 1.76 oz/ 50 g
Tea with thyme is a wonderful sedative, strong painkiller. It has antibacterial and disinfectant properties, a beneficial effect on the digestive process.
Thyme is recommended with radiculitis and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, for rheumatism, diseases of the muscles and joints, with skin rashes. It is an excellent tool for the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Thyme enhances immunity and has a tonic effect on general condition. Useful properties of thyme have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and emotional balance.
One or two cups of thyme tea before bed will help to cope with colds, clean the intestines of parasites and toxins, help normalize the digestive tract, eliminate constipation.
Essential oil of thyme, as well as extracts of the herb are widely used in cosmetic and therapeutic means for skin rejuvenation, reduction of the brittleness of hair and nails. Thyme treats acne, pimples and is recommended for care of problem skin.