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Semi-Hard Edam Cheese Sliced, Svalya, 150g/ 5.29oz
Semi-Hard Edam Cheese Sliced, Svalya, 150g/ 5.29oz
$ 6.99
Semi-Hard Edam Cheese Sliced, Svalya, 150g/ 5.29oz
New Perishable
SKU: 315711

Semi-Hard Edam Cheese Sliced, Svalya, 150g/ 5.29oz

Brand: Svalya


Edam cheese has a delicate creamy taste with a characteristic edge, a hint of piquancy and a pleasant nutty aftertaste. It has a dense, firm consistency with a small number of "holes"
Cheese can be used in sandwiches, burgers or as a delicious addition to cheese dishes and snacks.
Being a versatile and flavorful cheese option, it adds a delicious touch to your dishes and snacks, making it a popular choice among both cheese lovers and cooks.

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