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Shampoo Dermatological Anti Dandruff  w/Natural Tar, Agafya's First Aid Kit, 10.14 oz/ 300 Ml
Shampoo Dermatological Anti Dandruff w/Natural Tar, Agafya's First Aid Kit, 10.14 oz/ 300 Ml
$ 6.99
Shampoo Dermatological Anti Dandruff  w/Natural Tar, Agafya's First Aid Kit, 10.14 oz/ 300 Ml
SKU: 200621

Shampoo Dermatological Anti Dandruff w/Natural Tar, Agafya's First Aid Kit, 10.14 oz/ 300 Ml

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Special dermatological shampoo against dandruff with an extract of tar has an active preventive action against seborrhea of any etiology. Birch tar is a traditional antifungal, antiseptic remedy. It normalizes the function of sebaceous glands, accelerates regeneration of epidermis and hair, improves blood circulation. The effect of  highly active seborrhea shampoo is intensified dur to the ingredient climbazole (1%), and vitamin PP.
The drug Climbazole inhibits the growth of fungi that causes dandruff, prevents its occurrence.
Vitamin PP  is the only vitamin that conventional medicine considers the drug, it actively influences the metabolism, improving the hair structure and recovering them.
Soap root is a natural, more gentle foundation for hair wash, unlike those used in conventional shampoos.
Dermatological shampoo is recommended for the prevention of seborrhea and for hair care.

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