St. Petersburg Pastry Chef
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SKU: 316010
SKU: 315963
SKU: 312995

The St. Petersburg Confectionery Factory is a modern confectionery enterprise located in the heart of St. Petersburg.
9 years of success in the market, more than 30 assortment positions, natural ingredients and many years of experience in creating and unique in its qualities marshmallows.
The production of the factory has reached the level that allows it to hold leadership positions, becoming the discoverer of new flavors, shapes, packages.
Our company has a strong position in the Russian market, is a supplier to the markets of the USA and Canada, Israel, Australia, EU and CIS countries.
In many ways, the secret of success is due to the natural components of the products, high skill and impeccable reputation.
The latest original lines, stylish design, airy treats and boundless imagination allow you to create the marshmallow that will find its connoisseur:
● Classic flavors and fruit flavors,
● glazed marshmallows,
● decorated marshmallows,
● marshmallows with natural fruits and berries,
● marshmallows with vegetables – a product that has no analogues,
● marshmallows with stuffing are a juicy novelty of the summer of 2021.